
More than anything, we believe our strength lives in diversity. When we work together and plan together, we expand together. Our science is stronger because of our different viewpoints and a broader perspective. CFL celebrates individuals from underrepresented groups in the STEM disciplines and is committed to finding, supporting and nurturing new scientists and engineers from a range of backgrounds. We hope to introduce young minds to environmental fluid mechanics, coastal observation and numerical modeling. Our lab members are actively involved in organizations such as SACNAS, SOLES, CEED, GradSWE, and WE@UCLA to foster diversity and inclusion.

Dr. Gallien is an advisory committee member for the Center for the Study of Women at UCLA which works towards a world in which education and scholarship are tools for social justice feminism, improving the lives of people of all genders. She also works with CEED, the Center for Excellence in Engineering and Diversity at UCLA, to insure equity and parity in the K-20 pathways that lead to engineering and computing degrees. As a previous University of California President’s Post-doctoral Fellow, Dr. Gallien gives back to this program by participating as a faculty reviewer for UCPPF applicants. The UCPPF program encourages women and minority Ph.D. recipients to pursue academic careers at UC’s as outstanding scholars in all fields whose research, teaching and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunities at the UC.  

Maria (middle, tie-die shirt) at Westwood Elementary (April 2019)

Freshman UCLA CEED students with Graduate Mentors MP (2nd from right) and Joseph (right) (December 2019)

Maria (2nd from right) with the 2018-2019 SACNAS board

(Credit: Joe Delgado)

Mobile Beach Erosion Monitoring (MoBERM) was an outreach effort of Dr. Timu Gallien (above) while a Postdoctoral Scholar at Scripps Institute of Oceanography. Elementary students from underrepresented backgrounds were introduced to citizen science with MoBERM through the Birch Aquarium Beach Science Program (left). Learn more about MoBERM here.